Sains Malaysiana 52(9)(2023): 2529-2543


Rare Earth Element Characterization of Bledug Kuwu Mud Volcano, Central Java, Indonesia Based on Geochemical Analyzes (Susceptibility, XRF,XRD, SEM-EDS and ICP-EOS)

(Pencirian Unsur Nadir Bumi Gunung Berapi Lumpur Bledug Kuwu, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, Berdasarkan Analisis Geokimia (Kerentanan, XRF, XRD, SEM-EDS dan ICP-EOS))




1Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

2Postgraduate School, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia

 3Department of Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Civil, Planning and Geo-Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia

4Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia

5Department of Physics, Faculty of Education of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

6Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia


Diserahkan: 8 Mac 2023/Diterima: 22 Ogos 2023



Mud volcano material is generally rich in oxides, while oxides are the main compounds forming rare earth elements. Bledug Kuwu, Central Java, Indonesia, is one of the active mud volcanoes, so there may be rare earth elements. This research is the characterization of rare earth elements (REE) in the Bledug Kuwu mud using magnetic and geochemical methods. Magnetic characterization uses magnetic susceptibility measurements. The geochemical characterization of the mud samples consisted of the XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence), XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), ICP-EOS (inductively coupled plasma) test, and the SEM-EDS (Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy) test. The results of the geochemical analysis of the Bledug Kuwu mud sample were the content of quartz, kaolinite, and calcite with an average concentration of 42.26%, 23.67%, and 33.96%. The susceptibility of Kuwu's mud is 0 because the concentration of metal elements is low; according to the results of XRF, XRD, and SEM tests identified the main mud elements as C, O, Si, Ca, and Al. The rare earth elements in Kuwu's mud are Ce, Dy, Eu, Gd, Ho, La, Nd, Pr, Sm, Tb, Y, and Sc. The highest concentrations were Ce 52.22 ppm and La 47.95 ppm.


Keywords: Geochemical; mud volcano; petromagnetic; rare earth elements


Bahan gunung berapi lumpur umumnya kaya dengan oksida, manakala oksida adalah sebatian utama yang membentuk unsur nadir bumi. Bledug Kuwu, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia ialah salah sebuah gunung berapi lumpur aktif, jadi mungkin ada unsur nadir bumi. Kajian ini adalah pencirian unsur nadir bumi (REE) dalam lumpur Bledug Kuwu menggunakan kaedah magnetik dan geokimia. Pencirian magnet menggunakan ukuran kerentanan magnetik. Pencirian geokimia bagi sampel lumpur terdiri daripada XRF (Pendarfluor Sinar-X), XRD (Belauan Sinar-X), ujian ICP-EOS (plasma berganding induktif) dan SEM-EDS (Mikroskop Elektron Imbasan-Spektroskopi sinar-X serakan tenaga). Hasil analisis geokimia sampel lumpur Bledug Kuwu adalah kandungan kuarza, kaolinit dan kalsit dengan purata kepekatan 42.26%, 23.67% dan 33.96%. Kecenderungan lumpur Kuwu ialah 0 kerana kepekatan unsur logam adalah rendah; mengikut keputusan ujian XRF, XRD dan SEM mengenal pasti unsur lumpur utama sebagai C, O, Si, Ca dan Al. Unsur nadir bumi dalam lumpur Kuwu ialah Ce, Dy, Eu, Gd, Ho, La, Nd, Pr, Sm, Tb, Y dan Sc. Kepekatan tertinggi ialah Ce 52.22 ppm dan La 47.95 ppm.


Kata kunci: Geokimia; gunung berapi lumpur; petromagnet; unsur nadir bumi



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